Women’s History Month: Celebrating Progress with Self-Care

woman celebrating reaching a peak representing celebration of womens history month

Honoring Women’s History Month: Finding Balance in the Legacy We Carry

Women’s History Month is a time to reflect, to celebrate, and to recognize the sacrifices, struggles, and triumphs of the women who came before us. It is because of them that many young women today have opportunities that were once unimaginable. Yet, even as we honor their progress, we find ourselves in a time where fundamental rights are being challenged, where progress feels precarious, and where the pursuit of balance—between advocacy and self-preservation, ambition and rest, personal growth and community support—remains an ongoing struggle.

The Women Who Paved the Way

women suffragists who we honor during women's history month

Imagine what it must have been like for the women who fought for the right to vote, to receive an education, to own property, or to make choices about their own bodies. Every right we have today was fought for—by suffragists, by labor activists, by civil rights leaders, by those who refused to accept “that’s just the way things are.”

According to the National Women’s History Alliance, the early suffragists like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton laid the groundwork for gender equality, while activists like Dorothy Height and Dolores Huerta expanded the fight to include racial and labor rights. The Pew Research Center reports that women’s labor force participation has steadily increased since the 1950s, demonstrating the tangible impact of these movements.

Yet, those battles were not just about policy. They were about the right to live fully, to thrive, to choose one’s own path. The right to define success on our own terms. That fight didn’t end in the past—it is still ours to carry forward.

Are you struggling to define what balance looks like in your own life? Take time for self-reflection to explore what truly matters to you.

The Burden and Gift of Progress

overwhelmed woman representing the burdens women carry today

For many young women today, the world is more open than ever before. We have more career choices, more financial independence, more visibility. But with that freedom comes pressure—to succeed, to do it all, to prove that we are worthy of the rights we’ve inherited.

Research from the American Psychological Association (APA) shows that women experience higher levels of stress due to societal expectations and workplace inequities. Furthermore, a McKinsey & Company study on women in the workplace reveals that women are more likely to suffer from burnout than their male counterparts, especially when balancing leadership roles and caregiving responsibilities.

It’s easy to feel like we must constantly hustle, to never rest, to always be advocating, always striving, always achieving. But the women before us didn’t fight just so we could work harder. They fought so we could live fuller.

Carrying the Torch Without Burning Out

woman balancing on log over water representing the need to balance advocation with self care

So how do we honor Women’s History Month in a way that acknowledges both the progress and the struggle? By embracing a balance that allows us to sustain our energy for the long haul.

Set Boundaries: Activism, ambition, and achievement are powerful—but so is knowing when to say no.

Stay Informed Without Being Overwhelmed: Advocacy is crucial, but constant engagement with distressing news can take a toll. Protect your mental space while staying engaged.

Prioritize Rest as Resistance: Rest is not a luxury. It is an act of defiance in a world that demands we prove our worth through exhaustion. Tricia Hersey, founder of The Nap Ministry, emphasizes that rest is a revolutionary act for women, especially those in marginalized communities.

Celebrate Wins, Even Small Ones: The fight for women’s rights has always been a marathon, not a sprint. Every win matters, even if it’s simply making space for joy in your own life.

Trying to balance ambition and well-being? Consider a goal-setting framework that aligns with what truly fulfills you.

Honoring Women’s History in Your Own Way

woman sitting in field as the sunsets representing the need to look ahead and stay viligant

Women’s History Month is not just about looking back—it’s about looking ahead. The battles being fought today may look different, but they are no less important.

This month, consider how you can contribute in a way that aligns with your strengths and values. Maybe that’s speaking up. Maybe that’s mentoring another woman. Maybe that’s reclaiming time for yourself in a world that demands too much.

You are part of this history. Your story, your choices, and your well-being matter.

This month—and every month—find balance in the legacy you carry. Live fully, love fiercely, and fight when you need to. That is the greatest way to honor those who came before us.

Join the Conversation

How are you celebrating Women’s History Month? What does balance mean to you? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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